red-letter days

美 [red ˈletər deɪz]英 [red ˈletə(r) deɪz]
  • n.喜庆日;重要纪念日
  • red-letter day的复数
red-letter daysred-letter days

red-letter days


  • 1
    N-COUNT 喜庆日子
    A red-letter day is a day that you will always remember because something good happens to you then.

  1. In the medieval calendar there were two kinds of day - Dismal Days and Red-Letter Days .


  2. They are called Red-Letter Days because in calendars they were marked in red ink .


  3. These were my red-letter days .


  4. Degree : Technical Secondary School or higher and major in Electronics or Machine speciality . In the medieval calendar there were two kinds of day - Dismal Days and Red-Letter Days .


  5. Dismal Days were considered unlucky , while Red-Letter Days were the principal feasts and saints ' days to be celebrated or observed throughout the Christian year .
